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All films of this website were shot by the studio NVP3D

Science & Nature

Lunar landscape in 3D

Lunar landscape in 3D

Science & Nature

  Lunar landscape in 3D   “ This is the first time I’ve been filmed in 3D! ” says Apollo 16 astronaut Charles Duke , interviewed by NVP3D during the Foire du Valais in Martigny in the midst of an excellent exhibit on space exploration.     The astronaut took a number of photos on the Moon in 1972. Between one shot and the next, he shifted the camera lens very slightly, a technique which allows us to reconstitute the lunar landscape in magnificent 3D.     View the video  

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Une terre à nouveau fertile (2020)

Une terre à nouveau fertile (2020)

Science & Nature

Réalisé en partenariat avec Stop pauvreté et la Fondation Antenna, ce court documentaire a pour objectif la sensibilisation à l'enjeu du maintien d'une terre fertile.

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Serpent Tricot

Serpent Tricot

Science & Nature

Plongeons dans la mer en Nouvelle-Calédonie pour suivre le tricot rayé, serpent à la fois terrestre et marin dix fois plus venimeux que le cobra.

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The search for our origins

The search for our origins

Science & Nature

NVP3D has just finished a film about the big ESO telescopes in Chile, enormous “eyes” which can distinguish worlds whose visible light was emitted at a time before our solar system existed, when there was no sun, no planets, no moon, but only gas and dust. 

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Atlas, the giant detector at CERN

Atlas, the giant detector at CERN

Science & Nature

CERN’s biggest particle detector, Atlas, reveals its inner workings 100 meters below ground. The NVP3D film is shown to visitors to the research center.

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Remote Handling

Remote Handling

Science & Nature , Actualités

The European Commission chose NVP3D to shoot a film presenting the techniques of “Remote Handling”, used in the JET nuclear fusion projects. These shots are in Great Britain and Finland.

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A  spiny leaf insect laying an egg: the eye of  E.T.

A spiny leaf insect laying an egg: the eye of E.T.

Actualités , Science & Nature

In this rare 3D close up document, a scorpion phasmid lays an egg. Hallucinating! the egg looks like a bright eye that would be pushed out of a extra-terrestrian monster's bottom

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Avenches 2015: surfacing after 2000 years underground

Avenches 2015: surfacing after 2000 years underground

Actualités , Science & Nature

NVP3D cameras filmed, in real time, the uncovering of Roman artifacts in the garden of a private individual. Amongst these indicators of Gallo-Roman daily life were a magnificently-preserved coin sporting the bust of Augustus, a playing die, a ring and a lamp.

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2000th birthday of the capital of the Helvetii

2000th birthday of the capital of the Helvetii

Science & Nature

    2000th birthday of the capital of the Helvetii     Directed by Philippe Nicolet (co-produced by NVP3D-RTS), this documentary presents the great archeological discoveries of Avenches.   Read more  

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3 minutes dans la vie d'un phasme

3 minutes dans la vie d'un phasme

Science & Nature

Originaire du Queensland, en Australie, ce phasme scorpion est l'un des insectes les plus curieux.

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A very spatial clepsydra

A very spatial clepsydra

Science & Nature , Horlogerie

A revolutionary version of the antique clepsydra is now available in a wrist watch.

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Géraldine Fasnacht: Dance with Choucas

Géraldine Fasnacht: Dance with Choucas

Science & Nature

La championne de l'Xtrême de Verbier nous fait partager le grand frisson de ses sauts en base jump.

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Exposition des Orchidées au Comptoir Suisse 2007

Exposition des Orchidées au Comptoir Suisse 2007

Science & Nature , Léman 3D

Une grande exposition mise sur pied au Comptoir  Suisse a révélé la fabuleuse diversité des orchidées. Contrairement à ce que l'on pourrait croire, la fleur mythique pousse non seulement sous les tropiques, mais aussi en Europe à l'état sauvage.

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Science & Nature

Edelweiss: a mythical flower celebrated in the Alps as well as in the Himalaya.

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Les aigles du Léman

Les aigles du Léman

Léman 3D , Science & Nature

A Sciez près de Thonon, un parc propose des spectacles et présentations pour faire mieux connaître au public les prédateurs de nos régions.

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The Antikythera mechanism

The Antikythera mechanism

Science & Nature

More than 21 centuries ago, a mechanism of fabulous ingenuity was created in Greece, a machine capable of indicating exactly how the sky would look for decades to come – the position of the moon and sun, lunar phases and even eclipses.

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L'âme du vivarium de Lausanne en Australie

L'âme du vivarium de Lausanne en Australie

Science & Nature , Léman 3D

Jean Garzoni vient de parcourir l'Australie, à l'affût d'animaux qu'il observe régulièrement dans leur habitat naturel.

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3D: Le rêve inachevé de Léonard de Vinci

3D: Le rêve inachevé de Léonard de Vinci

Science & Nature

Léonard de Vinci, dans sa soif ilimitée de connaissance, a mené des recherches sur la vision en relief.

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The Belem

The Belem

Science & Nature

Aboard the famous 3-masted " Belem " NVP3D followed the crew in action during a trip.

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Le monstre de Gila

Le monstre de Gila

Léman 3D , Science & Nature

Le vivarium de Lausanne vient de recevoir un pensionnaire pour le moins particulier. Un lézard fouisseur venimeux, venant du sud des Etats-Unis et du nord du Mexique.

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A Moon Walker works to save the Earth

A Moon Walker works to save the Earth

Actualités , Science & Nature

A Moon Walker works to save the Earth Edgar Mitchell in 2013 Astronaut Edgar Mitchell , who walked on the Moon as part of the Apollo 14 mission, is a fervent defender of the environment and of sustainable development on Earth. He actively supports SWISSAPOLLO, an association founded by Lukas Viglietti and devoted to perpetuating the memory of Swiss involvement in the Apollo lunar programme. Through its fascinating collection of testimonies from space pioneers, it endorses a continuation of space exploration. Watch video

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