NVP3D - Preview set NVP3D - Preview set

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All films of this website were shot by the studio NVP3D

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Trophée PERL 2011 - 1er prix - eSMART

Trophée PERL 2011 - 1er prix - eSMART

Trophée PERL

eSmart, des prises élecrtiques intelligentes

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The Belem

The Belem

Science & Nature

Aboard the famous 3-masted " Belem " NVP3D followed the crew in action during a trip.

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Delphi, antique Greece

Delphi, antique Greece


Greece, cradle of the most beautiful ruins of antiquity, lives up to its reputation in the sacred shrine at Delphi.

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Adieu Maurice Béjart

Adieu Maurice Béjart


The great choreographer, whose world-renowned ballet company has been based in Lausanne since 1987, passed away in this city on November 22, 2007. Earlier in 2007, we filmed him at work with his students, who came from all over the world to be trained and guided by the master. His vivacity and artistic presence are preserved intact in these 3D moments.

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Pirates of the Ha Long Bay

Pirates of the Ha Long Bay


Belgian - Switzerland. A theater imprivsation match played in Lausanne In french.

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Deep Purple : interview in 3D

Deep Purple : interview in 3D


Ian Gillan, singer of the rock group, tells the story of this musical phenomenon.

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Mélodie Zaho - Mandarin

Mélodie Zaho - Mandarin


A young artist of 13 years on the shores of Lake Geneva.

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